This is an extension of a summary paper that was written for a class so it references a presentation by a professor here at the University of Minnesota and his work on the legality of drone strikes. I found it an interesting topic and continued on past the one page limit so I thought I'd put it up here...
‘Machines that Kill’ (or, perhaps, ‘Skynet is coming, run for your lives’)
guess what bitches I'M FLYING OVER SYRIA happy friday news dump
Earlier this week, Professor Oren Gross of the Institute for International Legal and Security Studies gave a presentation on ‘drones’ entitled, Machines that Kill. Prof Gross started out with a brief overview of war and how it has been an “integral part of mankind.” Of course, the classic example of the integration of war and technology is the longbow at the battle of Agincourt and Prof Oren dutifully recounted this story as he progressed through the ages, intertwining war and technology. A highlight for me was his recounting of PW Singer’s work (as I’m a huge fan) about the “stretching of the battlefield.” For example it took 500 Grecian Hoplites to cover the space of a football field but in today’s modern military environment of the networked ‘battle space’ one soldier could cover 780 football fields.