Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Yes, yet another blog about politics...


Welcome to our blog, we aren't sure how you stumbled onto us but we are glad you made it in one piece. This blog is by two students of Political Science with an interest in nearly all things 'Politics.' To start, this space will be used to expound upon issues in a larger format than Facebook allows. We have been debating and discussing issues ranging from the War on Drugs to the Arab Spring to China's Rise for quite some time and thought this would be the next logical step.

We hope to have numerous posts up per week and to eventually have debates/discussions regarding issues as opposed to us simply pontificating on random issues...

Oh, and about the name - "The strong do what they will and the weak suffer what they must" is, of course, from Thucydides. This should tell you a little about where we are coming from with our opinions. From where we sit, in classrooms and an upper-middle-class-loft-overlooking-the-Mississippi-river, respectively, Idealism, Constructivism, Neo-Liberalism, etc, all have their places in IR analysis. However, it appears to us that a 'Realist' approach achieves many more results. Things happen and what you do with the results is the truly important part.


Erik and Sam

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